January 30th Meeting Summary
January 30th – Dinner at the Rendezvous of Luxemburg
Download the meeting minutes here.
Meeting Summary: Members enjoyed a great chicken & beef tip dinner from the Rendezvous. Guest speakers were Tracy Nelson from ESI and Jo-Ellen Fairbanks from LC School District.
Attendees learned about ESI’s history of helping to give purpose and independence to those with special needs. Local businesses may contact Tracy to learn more about how their programs can benefit your business and the community.
Attendees learned about the results of the LC School District’s Operational Referendum Survey. This operational referendum is needed as state funding does not account for inflation – and we all know how inflation has ballooned in the past few years. Unfortunately, the survey results showed that they would be unsuccessful at the ballot box and that will impact maintenance, bussing, student services, and teaching staff. Chamber businesses are encouraged to advocate for our school district – their top notch service is a great boon to our community and brings in families from across the area.
Upcoming events were discussed. Luxemburg Village Rummage Sale, Dairy Days Dash, and Music in the Park are currently in planning stages. Chamber Golf Outing is in need of co-chair to get underway – contact any chamber officer if you’re able to help.
Next meeting is February 27th – Dinner at Northbrook Golf & Grill.